April 2015 tour

Hey kids!

A tour is in the make, this time together with our colleagues  in Crevasse.


16/4/2015 Leipzig – TBC
17/4/2015 Berlin @ XB34
18/4/2015 Warsaw @ Przychodnia squat
19/4/2015 Wroclaw
20/4/2015 Prague @ Cafe na pul cesty
21/4/2015 Brno – TBC
22/4/2015 Ljubljana – TBC
23/4/2015 Zagreb
24/4/2015 Vienna @ ABC Fest

If you’d like to help out feel free to contact us: lawine(A)riseup.net


Summer bummer

Jo Jo Jo,

So its September and we actually did a tour in July!

It was with our partners in crime Landverraad and it was a bunch of fun..also the weather was incredible!

Thanks for all the folks at Fluff , Plzen, Prague, Warsaw, Olomouc, Pznan and Berlin…we always appreciate it when we actually make our music any other place that our rehearsel basement..also you all made super nice food and made as feel at home..thanks!

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset


For now we are gonna record a record and maybe play a bunch of shows!

also we have a t shirt with a turkey on it…its an old turkey which is kinda special since most turkeys get killed when they are young to be eaten by us* (humanity that is)




* not by us Lawine…we dont eat animals



Landverraad | Lawine tour.

Bon Giorno!


We will be doing a small tour with our close friends Landverraad.

We will start of at fluff and visit Czech, Poland and Germany from there..

See you around.

27/7/2014 Flufffest@Tent
28/7/2014 Plzen@Pohoda w/ Deer in the headlights
29/7/2014 Prague@Café na půl cesty w/ Remek
30/7/2014 Olomouc
31/7/2014 Warsaw
1/8/2014 Poznan
2/8/2014 Leipzig